Well, I have finally finished this animation. Overall, I would say I'm satisfied with the final outcome. Granted I still wanted to add more polish and to change up a couple poses, but time is up and this is what I've got. I'll just make sure to take what I've learned from this animation and apply it to my next piece. Also, their are two versions of the final render. One is more saturated, and one is more faded looking ( I prefer the less saturated version). Both animations have High Quality viewing possible on their youtube pages for those interested. Enjoy.
Monday, December 15, 2008
Thursday, December 04, 2008
I miss walking :(
Well what can I say, I miss walking. It seems I was foolish enough to try to run and catch the "L" train and in the process I slipped, fell, and then crashed into the train. My leg and foot were bent completely backwards. Luckily I only ended up with a twisted ankle and some fractures, but it still sucks to have to limp around. Oh well, hopefully these 6 weeks will go by fast.
Thursday, November 27, 2008
Lampchop WIP 02
After getting some feedback from several animators, friends and other random people I have changed certain details for this animation. Hopefully this version is easier to read and is more entertaining to watch. All critiques and comments welcome. I should have the final version ready soon. Laterz.
Sunday, October 26, 2008
Lampchop WIP
First of all, sorry for taking so long to update, got kinda swamped with work and life, anyway here's the update. I've finished the 1st pass on the villian character and I'm still working on the first pass for the prisoner. I've also made sure to add a frame counter. Also, for some reason the last 13 frames got cut out during compression in After Effects, I don't know why, hopefully I can fix that the next time I render out of After Effects.
Couple things I plan to do for the animation.
Pass 2: work on arcs and secondary motion.
Pass 3: Facial animation, Eye blinks, Eye animation, Lipsync.
Pass 4: Polish, misc tweaks, camera movement.
I'm also thinking about toning down the leg movement in the beginning for the prisoner. I also think I might need to lower the camera slightly so the hands and feet don't get cut off. Tell me what you think guys!
Thursday, August 21, 2008
I'm BACK!!!!
Well, I'm back from Siggraph 08 in LA and I gotta say it was freakin amazing. There was so much to do, see and absorb that I think my eyes have burned out from seeing all the pretty images. Anyway, it was cool to meet so many people in the industry and to get some insight from major studios like Pixar, Disney, Blue Sky, Sony, etc. The job fair was also a nice treat, especially since that was the main reason I went in the first place. Other than that it was cool to see some of my old friends like Sergey, Saman, and even one of my instructors from school, Vicky. I also met a lot of cool new people and made a ton of new friends. Overall, I'd say the experience was defiantly worth it and I recommend that everyone try to go. I know I'll try to go again next year in New Orleans. Also, I'll post my pics from LA as soon as I can get them developed and scanned(thats right, I used actual film, not digital, shame on me). Well, time for me to get back to work and start animating again. Peace.
Sunday, August 10, 2008
Siggraph 08 Here I come
Wow, it's almost time for Siggraph 2008 and I'm so excited that I feel like I'm gonna burst from all the energy inside. I just hope this energy lasts all throughout Siggraph. For those of you who don't know I'm going to Siggraph this year in LA. I'll be sure to take lots of pictures and make new posts about the greatness happening in LA. Honestly if I just meet some cool people, have fun, network and if I'm extremely lucky get a job(fingers crossed) then it'll all be worth it, even if I am completely broke and I put off paying certain bills to afford the trip. I know one thing for sure, once I get back from LA I'm gonna start busting my @** on new animations, drawings, and the redesign of my website. Well, my plane leaves in 9 hours so I'll post more when I get to LA. Peace.
Friday, January 04, 2008
My Website!!!!!!!

Well, I just recently finished my website and I have to say I'm excited as #$^%^ about it. I made it all in flash and I think it looks great. Plus, before making this site I didn't know a single line of actionscript code, but thats surely not the case anymore. Anyway, check out my site and tell me what you think. You can see it at www.sdsanimation.com Also I included a screen shot up above. Peace.
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