Wednesday, December 12, 2007

Demo Reel 2007

Here it is folks, my demo reel for 2007. This is the compilation of my work during these long long years at school. Tell me what you think. All C & C welocome. So, glad to be done.

Wednesday, November 14, 2007

Pencil tests WIP

An update of the previous pencil test.

Tuesday, November 13, 2007

Musical Nonsense

Here's a flash short I did awhile back. It's an abstract piece done to music so make sure to have the volume on before watching. I had fun working on it and I hope you guys enjoy it too. Wish I could upload a better quality than youtube though, oh well, enjoy it anyway. Take care.

Rough pencil tests

Here is the rough flash pencil test of the animation I want to do with the doodle me. It's still a work in progress, but hopefully you get the idea.

The Doodle Me

Well, here's a quick sketch of the Doodle version of myself that I'm gonna be animating soon. By the way if you haven't heard of the show doodlez, look it up.

Sunday, October 28, 2007

Wow, changes

Wow, talk about new, I haven't been on this site in over a year and they have changed a lot. Well, I guess now I start getting on the blogging bandwagon, especially since I'm graduating from college soon and I need to start showing off my work. So, I'm back, yay!!!